Kim Hagan's energy, enthusiasm, and Real Estate expertise were a much needed breath of fresh air to our family as we tried to sell our home. We had listed our house for sale  unsuccessfully for a couple of years before finding Kim who had recently helped facilitate the happy and successful purchase of a home for my parents. Kim had great suggestions about how we might better show our home which we followed and to great effect! Kim also generated excitement about our property and utilized every means possible to "put it out there" and get potential buying traffic through our door. As a result, we had more house showings in the few months we were listed with Kim than we had in the years it was on the market prior to that. Kim's warm and fearless engaging manner made the process pleasant while she tirelessly pursued every avenue in finding us a new home that met our specific and often difficult criteria. Whatever Real Estate needs we may have in the future, we will always look to Kim Hagan first! 

-Chris Skillern and Family

